Captain Cosmos Collectibles has been in the business of selling toys, collectibles and other pop culture memorabilia since 1991. Over the years it has existed in many incarnations. At the moment you can find Captain Cosmos inside of Atomic Age Artifacts: Antique & Collectible Mall located in Central Florida. I also set up at numerous toy shows throughout the year.

This blog covers a wide umbrella subjects generally related to the world of selling toys; from comics, movies, and science fiction, to art, a bit of politics, and my own meandering opinions.

I own both Captain Cosmos Collectible, and Atomic Age Artifacts. Atomic Age is a brick and mortar Antique & Collectible Mall located at 104 E. Wonders St. Wildwood, Florida. For an antique mall, it's on the small end of the spectrum, with only enough space currently for about 20 vendors. Though there are very few limitations for the individual vendors, the overall focus of the store is Mid Century and Pop Culture.

Captain Cosmos is a booth within Atomic Age, and focuses almost exclusively on toys.

As for myself, beyond all of that, I am an artist. I have a BFA in art, and have worked in the medical prosthetics industry. When I have time for my own art it is generally very sci-fi in nature. I have, on occasion, been published. Look hard enough and you might find a short story, and several collectible articles with my name on them. I've also been interviewed for several newspaper articles over the years, most of which have focused on some aspect of pop culture. I have been a toy collector since 1982, and a collectibles dealer since 1991. I have attended dozens (possibly 100's by now) of pop culture conventions, and visited 100's of comic shops across the country. In short, I speak geek.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

These Are the Disney Droids your looking for

Not quite ready to go blast on the blog just yet. Still trying to figure things out, and waiting for my schedule to settle down a bit. A major move to another state can really cut into your time. But I did want to start putting a few things on the map, and give a taste of what this blog will be about. Disney theme parks recently unveiled their new Star Wars Build A Droid Astromechs, and I've got to say I'm very excited about them.
At the moment they are only available at Disney MGM's Star Tours store. In the future they might be found at other Disney locations such as Once Upon a Toy Store in Down Town Disney. The plan is that there will eventually be 71 unique Droid parts available so that you can create your own unique Astromech. For those that don't know, R2-D2 is an Astromech Droid. So far only about 2/3rds of the parts have been released, the rest should be out soon. The parts include Disney themed hat's like Mouse ears, the Indiana Jones fedora, and a Yoda hat, all scaled to fit your personalized Droid.
The 71 parts break down to:

25 heads, some of which are brand new designs that have never been released before.
13 bodies
10 of each of the 2 legs
5 of the middle foot
8 different hats

Crunch the numbers on that and you actually get over 1,000,000 possible Droid combinations. That's a whole lot of Droid's to be looking for.


  1. If these were only full size! I'd love to have a full size astromech droid...even if it didn't have the rocket boosters. Who needs a shopping cart when you have an astromech?

  2. Too true Sam, too true. Wonder how well an R2 would handle a carton of egg's?

  3. I'd say pretty descent with a Jabba tray setup lol

  4. While I agree, we should, they do tend to take years, and cost a LOT.
